ERTH3104 Virtual Field Trip to New England Orogen
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Stop name: Oxley Lookout Tamworth
Location: The Oxley Scenic Lookout ~2 km NE from the Tamworth town centre
Coordinates: 31° 5'0.12"S, 150°56'49.67"E
What to see: This stop provides an excellent overview of the regional landscape and, in the field, serves as an ideal starting point for the field trip because we could look at the geological map and locate most units in the landscape. Standing at this viewing point and facing the west, you would see some ridges that strike ~N-S. Those would be the Tamworth Belt, the forearc units adjacent to a continental margin that formed in the Devonian-Carboniferous.
Additional data:
Four petrographic thin sections of volcaniclastic rocks (19G01, 87121102, 88042923, R8818 at Thin section collection)
Hints: It is worth spending some time to take a good look at these thin sections and see the diverse range of grains that these rocks have (minerals, lithic fragments, fossils).
(Above) A view towards the Tamworth Belt to the west. Could you locate this site and the Tamworth Belt on the geological map? Which units (and ages) does the Tamworth Belt have? Click here to enter 360 view.
(Above) New England 1:500k map sheet (Click to download: legend and original map)
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