ERTH1501 - practical - Nonsilicate Minerals

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(Above two videos) Topic 1. These are the two videos we posted along with last week’s lectures. Re-watch them if you haven’t. These provide a good overview on modern submarine hydrothermal systems.

(Above) Topic 1. Streak of pyrite

Locality: Bucium, Izbita, Romania No.: 6270 Size: 14 cm x 13 cm x 10 cm Formula: FeS2 Description: Pyrite's brassy golden color led to it being called "Fool's gold", but the name of the pyrite comes from the Greek word pyr meaning "fire" because sparks flew from it when struck with another mineral or metal.

(Above) Topic 1. A cluster of pyrite crystals. Pay attention to the numbered notes.

(Above) Topic 1. Pyrrhotite

Sphalerite - 3D model by FIUonline (@fiuonline) [e31d940]

(Above) Topic 1. Sphalerite

(Above) Topic 1. Chalcopyrite

(Above) Topic 1. Streak of galena

Galena - 3D model by FIUonline (@fiuonline) [deb5a85]

(Above) Topic 1. Galena

(Above) Topic 2. Magnetite

(Above) Topic 2. Streak of hematite

Gypsum - Download Free 3D model by UQ School of Earth and Environmental Sciences (@UQ_SEES) [7e2e920]

(Above) Topic 3. A “normal“ sample of gypsum

(Above) Topic 3. Gypsum

Locality: Morocco Size: 10 cm x 5 cm x 4 cm Formula: CaSO4 · 2H2O Description: Rose-like aggregate of tabular gypsum crystals formed by precipitation in (usually) arid desert regions containing trapped sand particles.

(Above) Topic 3. A “desert rose“ of gypsum (A)

Country: Namibia No.: 5581 Size: 6 cm x 5 cm x 2 cm Formula: CaSO4 · 2H2O Description: Rose-like aggregates of tabular gypsum crystals formed by precipitation in (usually) arid desert regions containing trapped sand particles.

(Above) Topic 3. A “desert rose“ of gypsum (B)

Barite - Download Free 3D model by UQ School of Earth and Environmental Sciences (@UQ_SEES) [36ceefb]

(Above) Topic 3. A “normal“ sample of barite

Locality: Oklahoma, USA No.: 5571 Size: 6 cm x 6 cm x 4 cm Formula: BaSO4 Description: Rose-like aggregate of tabular brown Baryte (Barite). Baryte is typically found as thick to thin tabularor bladed crystals, usually in clusters with the crystals growing parallel to one another, or nearly so.

(Above) Topic 3. A “desert rose“ of barite